Large organisations are confronted by complex and big IT challenges to keep business applications appropriate to meet ongoing business requirements. Main focus is to keep IT operations stable and consolidated. IT Roadmap Planning is a
methodology developed for large organisations to determine the right IT change project portfolio. This approach has been developed to fully fledged methodology. Focus is on large scale renovation of your Application Portfolio.
IRP methodology defines a feasible and practical IT change project portfolio and an implementation structure to execute and manage the portfolio. The IRP change project portfolio will be consistent and business-oriented.
Typical elapse time for IT Roadmap Planning is about 2-3 years. The implementation structure is the “change engine” and covers both the execution of the IRP change projects and management of the complete portfolio.
IRP will be the outcome of a strategic IT study according a predefined task-structure and time-boxed for 8 weeks. This IT study will be conducted by a client team of business and IT people.
IT changes are always based on business requirements but this IT Roadmap Planning must be the result of balanced partnership between business and IT. Important success factor will be stability of IT operations
during execution and implementation so continuity is safeguarded.